Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest

Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest In act 1 we learn that Prospero is a very complex character with many different aspects to his presentation. The first and probably the most obvious aspect to his character is that of the magician. Some critics argue that the 4 main characters on the Island can be said to represent different attributes to humanity: Caliban represents instinct, Miranda represents love, Ariel represents spirit and Prospero represents power. Prosperos incredible magical powers contribute to this interpretation of his character. His character is also interpreted as being like a puppet-master. I think this is an appropriate image of Prospero as he uses his incredible†¦show more content†¦This is shown in: Thy nerves are in their infancy. Also again he is showing off his great power as a magician controlling Ferdinand making him unable to fight back. Prospero is again shown to be extremely powerful; this time he does not only control beings but the elements themselves. He creates a storm, controlling it. He creates a storm for revenge on his brother and the king, once again abusing his power. He controls the storm so that no one is killed Not a hair perished. This again shows his enormous magical powers and ability as a magician. I believe the writer uses the storm as a symbol to show the anger that Prospero has for his brother. I also believe it symbolises the chaos and destruction that Prospero can cause. I think as a magician Prospero is extremely powerful but he often abuses this power, he uses it to control people and to gain revenge. But although this is true he is justified for wanting to gain revenge on his brother as he has been stabbed in the back and thrown from power. As well as this the audience learns there are other aspects to his character. The next aspect is that of The Father. This part of Prosperos character also has positive and negative parts to it. At times he is caring, protective, loving and concerned but at other times he is overprotective and controlling. He exploitsShow MoreRelated Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay1246 Words   |  5 PagesProspero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Prospero has long been read as one of Shakespeare’s most cherished and provocative protagonists. His timeless role in â€Å"The Tempest† has provided readers and critics with insights into many attributes of Shakespeare as a man, his works, and the political views that are personified in his play. 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