Thursday, September 3, 2020

Alcohol Summary Essay Example for Free

Liquor Summary Essay In 2001 soul producers finished a long standing volunteer arrangement against forceful liquor promoting (Steiner and Steiner, 2009). Since that time, there has been an extraordinary move toward expanded alcoholic commercials with an end goal to build piece of the overall industry and raise benefits. This move brings into light the test alcoholic organizations face in adjusting their guardian obligations to their investors and their corporate and social duty to society. This report centers around the issues encompassing Anheuser Busch’s Spykes refreshment and the corporate and social issues also looked by other mixed drink organizations. Presentation There is developing open weight for mixed refreshment organizations to meet their social and moral obligations to adjust endeavors to build benefits to their investors while shielding society from the hurtful impacts of over the top liquor utilization. Anheuser Busch (AB) is one of the biggest mixed drink organizations on the planet. In 2005 AB fabricated a mixed refreshment called Spykes It is a soul based drink that was expected to focus on their 21-multi year old legitimate age consumers. Following a fruitful delicate dispatch, AB was confident that Spykes would assist increment with promoting offer and benefits. Sadly, developing open constrain constrained AB to quit selling Spykes (Steiner and Steiner, 2009). This report sees explicit issues encompassing Spykes and its possible damage to society, considers AB’s moral obligations to society, talks about the effect of alcoholic publicizing in the public eye and addresses likely changes to help guarantee mixed refreshment organizations satisfy their moral obligations to ensure society of undue mischief. Is Spykes Bad? Spykes could be viewed as terrible as in it was likely focused at underage consumers. It is all around acknowledged that mixed refreshments are no standard ware (Babor et al, 2003) and Spykes could be named some portion of the Alcopops gathering of refreshments which are fundamentally devoured by underage or youthful consumers. These Alcopops adversely influence the wellbeing and prosperity of youngsters (Robinson and Kenyon, 2009). In like manner, Spykes might be viewed as terrible for the wellbeing and prosperity of underage consumers and society all in all. The World Health Organization accepts that liquor utilization is one of the main sources of death among youngsters (World Health Organization, 2002). Stomach muscle chose for quit selling Spykes in light of negative open weight. This negative weight essentially originated from Center for Science in the Public Interest who trusted Spykes was being advertised and devoured by underage consumers. This conviction was framed on the premise that AB utilized vital promoting fusing the most recent innovation to deliver intelligent fields with amazing designs, eye getting activity and an extravagant site (Riley, 2005). This online substance is commonly speaking to a youthful crowd. As Riley (2005) expressed that youngsters are the greatest clients of the web and of cutting edge cell phone innovation. The liquor business has rushed to get a handle on the subsequent showcasing openings. Appropriately, halting the offer of Spykes was the proper activity with regards to decreasing damage to underage consumers just as right activity with regards to securing AB’s brand and advertising endeavors as a socially capable organization. Anheuser Busch’s Ethical Duties. Morals alludes to the idea of judgment; what is good and bad, good and improper in the public arena. It is morally acknowledged that associations hurry to make a benefit (Steiner and Steiner 2009). Mixed refreshment organizations would contend that publicizing is a limited time action used to upgrade their benefit, not to draw in under age consumers to expend liquor. Anderson (2009) contended that liquor publicizing impacts youngsters to devour more liquor, particularly adolescents because of the explicitly stirring pictures in the ads. Jones (2005) recognized that mixed drink organizations who don’t give right data or conceal data in their notices are acting deceptively. From society’s point of view, any exercises led by the liquor refreshment organizations to evacuate liquor related issues like savagery, diminished profound quality and inebriation related issues like drinking driving are only occasionally publicized and showcased. In this sense, society is just observing promotions identified with expanded utilization prompting expanded benefits. Likewise liquor businesses neglect to satisfy their moral obligation to be useful and honest in their promoting endeavors. At present, liquor refreshment organizations make a brand picture by supporting games and social exercises that draw in consumers, first beginning as a social consumer and afterward turning out to be standard consumers (Munro De Wever, 2008). The current liquor publicizing administrative framework in Australia should mean to limit presentation and advance to kids (VAADA, 2010). In Australia, promoting exercises are controlled by enactment and a code of training, for example, the Advertiser Code of Ethics and Alcoholic Beverages Advertising Code (ABAC). This code depends on an intentional arrangement of self-guideline which is financed and managed by the liquor drink organizations. At present there are no punishments for resistance (Jones, Hall Munro 2008). Furthermore, the association is mostly supported by mixed drink organizations. This presents an irreconcilable situation as in many occasions, their trustee obligations are act to the greatest advantage of their investors and not really society on the loose. So as to counterbalance this irreconcilable circumstance, it is vital for an Australian Federal administrative body to be set up to autonomously control liquor promoting in the public eye with expectations of limiting the fascination of liquor to underage consumers. Deceiving Advertisements Studies have demonstrated that there is a solid connection between liquor promoting and utilization rates among under age consumers (Snyder, Milici, Slater, Sun and Strizhakova, 2006; Collins, Ellickson, McCaffrey and Hambarsoomians, 2007). Likewise, proof proposes that liquor promotions impact youth view of drinking. A few commercials contain deluding messages that drinking liquor will make purchasers progressively friendly and active; assist them with making some incredible memories; assist them with feeling increasingly sure and less anxious; prevail with the other gender or it would cause them to feel increasingly alluring (Jones and Gregory, 2007). These messages are profoundly appealing to today’s youth. A few advertisements depict drinking as particular and esteemed. These promotions recommend that by drinking their item you will appreciate the better things throughout everyday life. For instance some lager promotions delineate appealing individuals on yachts, in extravagance eateries or extravagance foundations (Fig 1, 2 and 3). Different advertisements proliferate that drinking expands your status and separates you from others (Fig 4). While different advertisements suggest that sports and liquor go together (Fig 5, 6). These advertisements are regularly publicized during games and through mixed drink organization sponsorship of such occasions. Riches, bliss and sex attached to drinking are additionally regular topics depicted in advertisements (Fig 7 and 8). In some measure, every one of these pictures offer to under age consumers and the interest in promotions is on the ascent. Table 1 shows the significant speculation by alcoholic organizations in magazines alone. As per The Center on Alcohol, liquor organizations burned through $2billion on alcoholic commercial in magazines alone somewhere in the range of 2001 and 2006 (The middle on liquor showcasing and youth, 2008). In Australia during 2008, mixed refreshment organizations spent in $109million on commercials (Nielsen Australia, 2008). A considerable lot of these messages are speaking to under age consumers. Likewise, liquor organizations should endeavor to showcase their items so that guarantees their advertisements don't pass on deceiving messages. One path is to concentrate the promotion on the item as opposed to the deceptive pictures of riches, sex and status. Likewise, neighborhood governments should likewise advance mindful drinking and spread mindfulness in the public eye embracing comparative ads systems. Controlling Alcohol Advertising The requirement for additional guideline relies on climate it tends to be demonstrated that publicizing liquor builds utilization. In 2006 Teinowitz (2006) embraced an investigation of haphazardly tested 15-multi year olds. The investigation discovered they drank increasingly subsequent to seeing liquor promotions, and that each extra advertisement saw expanded the quantity of beverages devoured by 1%. The investigation additionally settled that in business sectors with more liquor advertisements, spending on liquor was up over business sectors with less promotions (Teinowitz, 2006). Appropriately, there is further requirement for guideline of alcoholic promoting. Further guideline could be as the production of a controller body that implemented limitations against mixed drink organizations embracing promoting procedures that fundamentally offer to youthful people. In AB’s case, they as a matter of fact focused on youngsters with a splendidly shaded site permitting guests to download music blends, ring tones, screen savers, and texting symbols (Steiner, 2009). These exercises provided food around youth culture. Controllers could discover that such promoting methodologies, coordinated at youthful people, could establish ads that intrigue to under age consumers and along these lines boycott such advertisements. This boycott could reach out to bans on commercials in broad daylight places and bans against alcoholic organizations supporting open or games. So as to decide whether the recommended limitations above meet The Central Hudson rules, a four section test might be applied as follows (Steiner and Steiner, 2009):- (a) the advertisement being referred to should advance a legal item: (b) the administration enthusiasm for confining the specific business discourse must be generous; (c) the limitation mus

Saturday, August 22, 2020

International trade and transportation law Essay

Universal exchange and transportation law - Essay Example  Generally, the bills of replenishing utilized on worldwide shipments incorporate sea bills of filling for freight moved by sea and air waybills for load moved via air. A few bills of filling are debatable where as a few are definitely not. The challenges of non debatable bill of replenishing was clarified by Chana (1999). He likewise examined about the correlation of bills of filling in China, Hongkong and United States of America (Chanb, 1998). The status of bills of replenishing in China was likewise clarified by Chen (1999). The letter of assurance gave by the bank or any monetary organization will be essential now and again of bills of filling. For instance in the event of an Australian setting for example Pacific Carriers Ltd. v. Banque Nationale de Paris, the bank who had given the letter of assurance was considered liable for loss of merchandise (Derrington and White, 2002). Despite the fact that letters of repayment are a typical practice, in a portion of the ceses, they were reprimanded by the courts for infringement of the realities (United Baltic Corp. v. Dundee Perth and London Shipping Co., 1928). By playing out all the previously mentioned capacities, bill of filling contributes essentially to International exchange of merchandise. With the bill of replenishing demonstrating that an agreement of carriage exists and that the products have been gotten by the bearer, a purchaser and his bank are guaranteed that the conveyance of merchandise as per the agreement of offer is under advancement. So also an exporter, holding a bill of filling as title to the merchandise, may, by picking when to pass the bill to the purchaser, chooses when the last takes conveyance of the products. In this way the bill of filling turns into a basic component in controlling installment systems in global exchange. Most significant thing is that the degree of security gave by bill of filling is very tremendous (Jan Ramberg, 1979). The standard organization for narrative credit exchanges in universal exchange is ‘The Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits’, or UCP 500 which will guarantee

Friday, August 21, 2020

Reflection on Learning with Learning Contract

In this task, I have to think about the circumstance that occurred during my working gathering. In this reflection, I am going to utilize Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle. This model is a perceived system for my appearance. Gibbs (1988) modular of reflection comprises of six phases to finish one cycle which is portrayal, emotions, assessment, investigation, end and an activity plan. Portrayal I was placed in bunches for seven days to work through a lot of undertakings. There was a blend of guys and females with a wide scope of ages.There were a few people that had an influence in the gathering exercises and there were some that didn't, this was what added to the breakdown in correspondence in my gathering. The primary day we got into gatherings, we needed to do a learning styles poll. In this poll there were four kinds of learning styles, which where activists, reflectors, scholars and logical thinkers (Honey, 1973). In my gathering of seven we were comprised of reflectors, scholars and pragmatists.On the second day we did a gathering action about the abilities information and perspectives that a medicinal services proficient ought to have. During this undertaking we were partitioned has a gathering significantly more since we as a whole had various perspectives on what we thought was the perfect social insurance proficient. Day three we did a Kohlberg’s moral quandary (1981) where we needed to pick whether Heinz should take the medication or not. My gathering was partitioned on whether he should take the medication or not. On day four we did a self and companion assessment survey. FeelingsI felt exceptionally alarmed in the gathering setting since I safeguarded that I was the most youthful in the gathering and I didn't know anybody, which I was extremely stunned me since I am regularly an extremely sure individual. I likewise learned about very of spot I truly didn't care for being in a gathering that didn't click with one another. I at that point began to get worried that we would not get any of our gathering errands wrapped up. My subsequent concern was that in a troublesome circumstance that we may all contend in light of the fact that we as a whole had such various perspectives. In any case, I was additionally eager to perceive what may have come out of the gathering tasks.I likewise think there ought to have been an icebreaker task; this would have facilitated us in. Assessment The great encounters of the gathering errands were that I found out about myself and how others work in little gatherings. It was additionally acceptable to tune in to different people’s assessments. It was additionally acceptable to work with individuals I would not really work with outside of these gatherings that were picked for me. The terrible focuses were that we has a gathering didn't gel; there was an absence of correspondence all through the entire week. I additionally think there ought to have been an icebreaker task. AnalysisThere were n o activists in my gathering and I think this is the reason there was a breakdown in my gathering since activists like to be engaged with new encounters. They are receptive and excited about new thoughts however get exhausted with execution. They appreciate getting things done and will in general act first. Where reflectors, scholars and realist are progressively saved and like to think first and take a back sit (Honey, 1973). A few purposes of the assignment went well which were that as a gathering we discovered what realizing styles are and what the positives and negatives of each learning style and how we can utilize it to better are learning enhancement.The different individuals from the gathering likewise contributed on what they thought each realizing style implied and on the off chance that they thought it was a genuine portrayal of them. However, some simply didn't contribute I don't know whether this was on the grounds that they were bashful or would not like to state an ina ppropriate thing or threatened by the huge gathering. Determination I have taken in a ton for from working in my gathering, I figured out how to place myself in the others shoes and comprehend why individuals acted with a particular goal in mind. I left away being extremely decided and ability to comprehend that not every person isn't the same.But now it has become a typical perspective and reacting to a specific circumstance. So I have transformed my appearance into learning. I have perused that the more we read and consider a circumstance the more we can recognize they significance of reflection (Boud et al, 1994). I have additionally discovered that ‘‘the fundamental unit of correspondence is comprised of a sender, a recipient and a message set inside a specific context’’ (Ellis et al, 1994, p. 4). Activity plan If the circumstance came up again there would be a great deal I would transform one of hich would be progressively accommodating to the gatherin g member’s emotions. Besides I will proceed to reflect and consider the reasons for why things turn out badly. Reflection depends on permitting us to ground our contemplations and keep us centered. This assists with forestalling reflection going neither here nor there. (Dallas et al, 2005). I would likewise like input since criticism is fundamental for advancement and change. Input is essential to the on-going advancement of us has people. ‘Feedback is vital to building up students' ability and confidence’ (londondeanery, 2010)

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Legal Advisory Opinion Research Paper - 3300 Words

Legal Advisory Opinion (Research Paper Sample) Content: A legal Advisory Memorandum to the Chief Sheriff, Saint Leo Police DepartmentName:Institutional Affiliation:Date:A legal Advisory Memorandum to the Chief Sheriff, Saint Leo Police DepartmentSummary of FactsNarcissus is the Supervisor of Sexual assault unit at the Saint Leo Police Department. The unit consists of both male and female officers. He has a Facebook account that he accesses on a daily basis, sometimes from his department computer. On his Facebook page are several photographs of him, some of which are sexually suggestive. In other photos, he is dressed in a vampire costume biting the neck of a woman. Also on his page are photos of himself in his police attire. Officer Narcissus normally posts his opinion on politics, his complaints about his remuneration and working hours. He is also fond of posting his sexual achievements, and dislike for everything that the Saint Leo Mayor, who is seeking re-election, has ever done or omitted to do during his tenure.The Sa int Leo Sheriff has received complaints from Officer Narcisssusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ fellow officers and the public about his social media posts. The Police departmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"s code of conduct forbids officers from engaging in any activity that paints the department in bad light. On one occasion, the Sheriff went into Narcissusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ office and turned on his computer without the officerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s consent and knowledge upon which she realized that the computer had been frequently used to access Facebook and other social media sites. She also came to found out that the computer had apparently been used to purchase sex toys and hunting equipment. She went to his Facebook page and saw all of Narcissusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ postings therein. On one strange child pornography site were photographs of children being sexually abused. When the Sheriff informed Officer Narcissus of her intention to bring him in for interrogation, the officer informed her that she had no was not entitled to use or acc ess his computer to search for anything, upon which the Officer stormed into the department and began dismantling his office computer.Issues PresentedFrom the above set of facts and circumstances, the following issues arise between the parties, that is, Officer Narcissus and the Chief Sheriff: * Whether the Sheriff is legally justified to detain the officer following the events that unfolded and led to his arrest * Whether the Chief has the legal authority and merit to question or interrogate Officer Nercissus * Whether the Chief Sheriff had the right apriori to search the Officerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s computer * Whether the evidence so obtained by the purported search is admissible and whether it can be used to found an action against the officer. * Whether Officer Nercissus is entitled to any Constitutional or common law rights during his questioning by the Sheriff, if any * Whether there is any legal restrictions the Sheriff can place on her officerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s use of social media communi cation sites such as Facebook. * Whether the officer is in breach of the Departmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Code of conduct of conduct and work ethics. * Whether the Officer used excessive and unreasonable force in the circumstances in arresting NercissusArguments Presented by Each SideAccording to the above scenario, there are mainly two parties or sides of the dispute. These are Officer Nercissus and the Sheriff. The best case for Officer Nercissus seems to be the invasion of his privacy rights by the Chief through unwarranted search and intrusion on his personal information. He may seek to argue that the search into his office computer violated his Fourth Amendment Rights and hence any evidence obtained thus cannot be used as a basis for his arrest and incarceration by the order of the Chief Sheriff.On the other hand, the best case for the Chief Sheriff is the fact that the officer was in breach of the rules, regulations and codes of conduct of the Police Department that forbids actions such as his posting of posts on social media that are likely to bring the department into disrepute. She could also advance an argument to the effect that the officer, being a public officer, is not entitled to the protection of the Fourth Amendment where the search is carried out purely in good faith as an investigatory practice of police.Applicable Law * The Constitution of the United StatesPrima facie, the case turns on whether Officer Nercissus is entitled to any rights and freedoms under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of The United States. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S Constitution which is the Bill of Rights deals particularly with search and seizure and states as under:The right of the people to be secure in their homes, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person s or things to be seized.According to the Supreme Court, "a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"seizureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ of property occurs when there is some meaningful interference with an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s possessory interests in the property and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"searchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ occurs when an expectation of privacy that the society is prepared to consider reasonable is infringed.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [United States v. Jacobsen, 466 U.S. 109, 113 (1984)] Furthermore, Kerr (2010) posits that the main purpose of the Fourth Amendment is to "regulate police collection and use of evidence so that police are reasonable in their search and seizure of people and their properties" (p.1245). He argues that the main objective of the Fourth Amendment provisions is to prevent unnecessary and arbitrary intrusion of individual privacy hence offering protection to every citizen the protection of their right to privacy.A search is however constitutional and consistent with the fourth amendment if it does not violate a person à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s reasonable and legitimate expectations of privacy as the court had once stated in a U.S landmark case .[Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 361 (1967)] * Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure[FED R.CROM.P.41 (b) (1))] This Statute, according to Kerr (2010), governs search and seizure of information and gives federal courts the wherewithal to issue warrants to search for and seize evidence. He points out that the Supreme Court had once held that the police had power to search and seize evidence with the aim or intention of establishing the use of the device suspected of being used to perpetrate criminal activities.[United States V New York Telephone Co. 434 .US. 159 9 (1977)] The Privacy Protection Act also governs the rights of U.S Citizens against unreasonable interference with their privacy rights as are Officer Nersissusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ rights to privacy on his social media sites. The courts have found that people have reasonable expectation of privacy in their personal c omputers.[42 U.S.C. 2000] [United States v. Heckenkamp, 482 F.3d 1142, 1146 (9th Cir. 2007] David Leon Riley V California, 573 U.S. (2014)Here, the U.S Supreme Court held in a unanimous decision that the search and seizure of the digital contents of the suspectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s phone without a valid warrant was unconstitutional and violated his rights under the Fourth Amendment. The suspect had been apprehended in 2009 after he was stopped by traffic police and upon search found with firearms in his car. His cell phone was also confiscated and on being searched certain videos, messages and photographs were found. He was then charged with some previous shootings in town.In yet another landmark case touching on a similar issue as the one confronting the Sheriff, the U.S Supreme court decided ruled that any piece of evidence obtained in violation of the requirements of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used to institute a criminal prosecution either in federal or State courts and such evidence was illegal.[Map V Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961)] The law on proper procedure to be followed before and during an interrogation or questioning of any person suspected of having committed an offence as was laid down by the U.S Supreme in the Miranda Case where the suspect was arrested and taken to the police department where he was questioned for about two hours, signed a confession and charged with the offence of rape upon which he was subsequently found guilty and convicted. He appealed against the conviction arguing that he had not been informed of his rights under the fifth and sixth Amendments of the Constitution. The Supreme Court quashed his conviction and laid down certain prerequisite sine quo none conditions that law enforcement officers must comply with whenever they apprehend a suspect and take them to custody for purposes of interrogation. These include the right_[Ernesto Miranda V Arizona [384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602 (1966)]. These rights have come to be known as the "Mira nda Rightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .] * To be informed of his right to an attorney and that if they cannot afford one, that the state will provide them with one at the stateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s expense; * To be informed of his right to remain silent during the interrogation process; and * To be informed of that anything they say then can and will be used against them in court of law. * To be informed of the reason for his arrest.Fishman (2012) explores the extent of electronic privacy in a government work place as is the case in this scenario. He analyses the Supreme Court ruling in City of Ontario V Quon. In that case, Sargent Jeff Quon, the defendant, had brought a suit against the Ontario Police Department, his employer. This was after he realized that the department had inspected some mobile phone text messages that he had sent and received on a pager used by the department. He relied on a number of authori... Legal Advisory Opinion Research Paper - 3300 Words Legal Advisory Opinion (Research Paper Sample) Content: A legal Advisory Memorandum to the Chief Sheriff, Saint Leo Police DepartmentName:Institutional Affiliation:Date:A legal Advisory Memorandum to the Chief Sheriff, Saint Leo Police DepartmentSummary of FactsNarcissus is the Supervisor of Sexual assault unit at the Saint Leo Police Department. The unit consists of both male and female officers. He has a Facebook account that he accesses on a daily basis, sometimes from his department computer. On his Facebook page are several photographs of him, some of which are sexually suggestive. In other photos, he is dressed in a vampire costume biting the neck of a woman. Also on his page are photos of himself in his police attire. Officer Narcissus normally posts his opinion on politics, his complaints about his remuneration and working hours. He is also fond of posting his sexual achievements, and dislike for everything that the Saint Leo Mayor, who is seeking re-election, has ever done or omitted to do during his tenure.The Sa int Leo Sheriff has received complaints from Officer Narcisssusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ fellow officers and the public about his social media posts. The Police departmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"s code of conduct forbids officers from engaging in any activity that paints the department in bad light. On one occasion, the Sheriff went into Narcissusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ office and turned on his computer without the officerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s consent and knowledge upon which she realized that the computer had been frequently used to access Facebook and other social media sites. She also came to found out that the computer had apparently been used to purchase sex toys and hunting equipment. She went to his Facebook page and saw all of Narcissusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ postings therein. On one strange child pornography site were photographs of children being sexually abused. When the Sheriff informed Officer Narcissus of her intention to bring him in for interrogation, the officer informed her that she had no was not entitled to use or acc ess his computer to search for anything, upon which the Officer stormed into the department and began dismantling his office computer.Issues PresentedFrom the above set of facts and circumstances, the following issues arise between the parties, that is, Officer Narcissus and the Chief Sheriff: * Whether the Sheriff is legally justified to detain the officer following the events that unfolded and led to his arrest * Whether the Chief has the legal authority and merit to question or interrogate Officer Nercissus * Whether the Chief Sheriff had the right apriori to search the Officerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s computer * Whether the evidence so obtained by the purported search is admissible and whether it can be used to found an action against the officer. * Whether Officer Nercissus is entitled to any Constitutional or common law rights during his questioning by the Sheriff, if any * Whether there is any legal restrictions the Sheriff can place on her officerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s use of social media communi cation sites such as Facebook. * Whether the officer is in breach of the Departmentà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s Code of conduct of conduct and work ethics. * Whether the Officer used excessive and unreasonable force in the circumstances in arresting NercissusArguments Presented by Each SideAccording to the above scenario, there are mainly two parties or sides of the dispute. These are Officer Nercissus and the Sheriff. The best case for Officer Nercissus seems to be the invasion of his privacy rights by the Chief through unwarranted search and intrusion on his personal information. He may seek to argue that the search into his office computer violated his Fourth Amendment Rights and hence any evidence obtained thus cannot be used as a basis for his arrest and incarceration by the order of the Chief Sheriff.On the other hand, the best case for the Chief Sheriff is the fact that the officer was in breach of the rules, regulations and codes of conduct of the Police Department that forbids actions such as his posting of posts on social media that are likely to bring the department into disrepute. She could also advance an argument to the effect that the officer, being a public officer, is not entitled to the protection of the Fourth Amendment where the search is carried out purely in good faith as an investigatory practice of police.Applicable Law * The Constitution of the United StatesPrima facie, the case turns on whether Officer Nercissus is entitled to any rights and freedoms under the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of The United States. The Fourth Amendment of the U.S Constitution which is the Bill of Rights deals particularly with search and seizure and states as under:The right of the people to be secure in their homes, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person s or things to be seized.According to the Supreme Court, "a à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"seizureà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ of property occurs when there is some meaningful interference with an individualà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s possessory interests in the property and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"searchà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ occurs when an expectation of privacy that the society is prepared to consider reasonable is infringed.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ [United States v. Jacobsen, 466 U.S. 109, 113 (1984)] Furthermore, Kerr (2010) posits that the main purpose of the Fourth Amendment is to "regulate police collection and use of evidence so that police are reasonable in their search and seizure of people and their properties" (p.1245). He argues that the main objective of the Fourth Amendment provisions is to prevent unnecessary and arbitrary intrusion of individual privacy hence offering protection to every citizen the protection of their right to privacy.A search is however constitutional and consistent with the fourth amendment if it does not violate a person à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s reasonable and legitimate expectations of privacy as the court had once stated in a U.S landmark case .[Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347, 361 (1967)] * Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure[FED R.CROM.P.41 (b) (1))] This Statute, according to Kerr (2010), governs search and seizure of information and gives federal courts the wherewithal to issue warrants to search for and seize evidence. He points out that the Supreme Court had once held that the police had power to search and seize evidence with the aim or intention of establishing the use of the device suspected of being used to perpetrate criminal activities.[United States V New York Telephone Co. 434 .US. 159 9 (1977)] The Privacy Protection Act also governs the rights of U.S Citizens against unreasonable interference with their privacy rights as are Officer Nersissusà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ rights to privacy on his social media sites. The courts have found that people have reasonable expectation of privacy in their personal c omputers.[42 U.S.C. 2000] [United States v. Heckenkamp, 482 F.3d 1142, 1146 (9th Cir. 2007] David Leon Riley V California, 573 U.S. (2014)Here, the U.S Supreme Court held in a unanimous decision that the search and seizure of the digital contents of the suspectà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s phone without a valid warrant was unconstitutional and violated his rights under the Fourth Amendment. The suspect had been apprehended in 2009 after he was stopped by traffic police and upon search found with firearms in his car. His cell phone was also confiscated and on being searched certain videos, messages and photographs were found. He was then charged with some previous shootings in town.In yet another landmark case touching on a similar issue as the one confronting the Sheriff, the U.S Supreme court decided ruled that any piece of evidence obtained in violation of the requirements of the Fourth Amendment cannot be used to institute a criminal prosecution either in federal or State courts and such evidence was illegal.[Map V Ohio, 367 U.S. 643 (1961)] The law on proper procedure to be followed before and during an interrogation or questioning of any person suspected of having committed an offence as was laid down by the U.S Supreme in the Miranda Case where the suspect was arrested and taken to the police department where he was questioned for about two hours, signed a confession and charged with the offence of rape upon which he was subsequently found guilty and convicted. He appealed against the conviction arguing that he had not been informed of his rights under the fifth and sixth Amendments of the Constitution. The Supreme Court quashed his conviction and laid down certain prerequisite sine quo none conditions that law enforcement officers must comply with whenever they apprehend a suspect and take them to custody for purposes of interrogation. These include the right_[Ernesto Miranda V Arizona [384 U.S. 436, 86 S.Ct. 1602 (1966)]. These rights have come to be known as the "Mira nda Rightsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ .] * To be informed of his right to an attorney and that if they cannot afford one, that the state will provide them with one at the stateà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s expense; * To be informed of his right to remain silent during the interrogation process; and * To be informed of that anything they say then can and will be used against them in court of law. * To be informed of the reason for his arrest.Fishman (2012) explores the extent of electronic privacy in a government work place as is the case in this scenario. He analyses the Supreme Court ruling in City of Ontario V Quon. In that case, Sargent Jeff Quon, the defendant, had brought a suit against the Ontario Police Department, his employer. This was after he realized that the department had inspected some mobile phone text messages that he had sent and received on a pager used by the department. He relied on a number of authori...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Importance Of A Leadership And Teamwork - 751 Words

Team Building Leadership and teamwork are synonymous. Leadership is very important and is evident in the culture of the school. Teamwork involves individuals working together to achieve a common goal. Team building is the manner by which the team performance measures for improvement. It is the process taken to manifest communication and encourage cooperation. Leadership and teamwork as indicated by Sohmen (2013) center around soft skills that need to be implemented cautiously, and in a sensible manner. Strong leaders have the ability to influence teamwork as well as build strong teams to support the vision of the school. Teachers are comfortable when working in their individual classrooms isolated from the rest of the school. However, collaboration is vital to student achievement, student performance and teacher success. Teachers can no longer work in isolation. It takes teamwork and collaborative shared efforts to maximize student learning and student achievement. The leader sets the tone for everything that happens in a school. Therefore, it is the leader’s responsibility for building strong teams to facilitate teamwork. The leader has the ability and power to influence teams of individuals to buy into collaboration. The leader must sell the individuals on teamwork. Working together, everyone benefits and experience success. The most important thing the leader can do to get teams to work collaboratively is to have them work together to set measurable goals,Show MoreRelatedChapter1-Introduction. Existing Studies Focus On The Impact1030 Words   |  5 PagesChapter1-Introduction Existing studies focus on the impact of teamwork and productivity on implementing, quality improvement. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest

Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest In act 1 we learn that Prospero is a very complex character with many different aspects to his presentation. The first and probably the most obvious aspect to his character is that of the magician. Some critics argue that the 4 main characters on the Island can be said to represent different attributes to humanity: Caliban represents instinct, Miranda represents love, Ariel represents spirit and Prospero represents power. Prosperos incredible magical powers contribute to this interpretation of his character. His character is also interpreted as being like a puppet-master. I think this is an appropriate image of Prospero as he uses his incredible†¦show more content†¦This is shown in: Thy nerves are in their infancy. Also again he is showing off his great power as a magician controlling Ferdinand making him unable to fight back. Prospero is again shown to be extremely powerful; this time he does not only control beings but the elements themselves. He creates a storm, controlling it. He creates a storm for revenge on his brother and the king, once again abusing his power. He controls the storm so that no one is killed Not a hair perished. This again shows his enormous magical powers and ability as a magician. I believe the writer uses the storm as a symbol to show the anger that Prospero has for his brother. I also believe it symbolises the chaos and destruction that Prospero can cause. I think as a magician Prospero is extremely powerful but he often abuses this power, he uses it to control people and to gain revenge. But although this is true he is justified for wanting to gain revenge on his brother as he has been stabbed in the back and thrown from power. As well as this the audience learns there are other aspects to his character. The next aspect is that of The Father. This part of Prosperos character also has positive and negative parts to it. At times he is caring, protective, loving and concerned but at other times he is overprotective and controlling. He exploitsShow MoreRelated Prospero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Essay1246 Words   |  5 PagesProspero in William Shakespeares The Tempest Prospero has long been read as one of Shakespeare’s most cherished and provocative protagonists. His timeless role in â€Å"The Tempest† has provided readers and critics with insights into many attributes of Shakespeare as a man, his works, and the political views that are personified in his play. 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Key issues Theory

Question: Discuss how the critical theory and practice information presented in the articles might influence your practice as a social worker. Answer: Key issues in the critical theory and practice This particular article, Engaging with social work: A critical introduction published by Morley, Macfarlane Ablett, (2014) primarily deal with the effectiveness of critical social work. The key issues that have been primarily identified in this particular study are the essence of human rights and the impact of poverty. While surviving in the society people deserve some of the entitlements. People should maintain equality and equity within the society. The environmental resources should be distributed equally within the society. Apart from human rights, poverty is another issue due to which people of different culture and attitude have to face immense difficulties to exist in the society. When the society people fail to make a balance among social, political and economical factors, it ultimately renders poverty. The ways that literature review relates to the key issues However, in this particular article, the author intends to relate these two issues by providing some practical examples. The two concepts poverty and social issues are inseparably related to each other. Poverty is the effect of economical and social misbalance. People of every culture and background should get equal priority and response. As per the marginalization philosophy, society should not discriminate a person by recognizing high powerful or low. Every person should follow the norms of social justice. Social justice has been considered as one of the most inevitable norms that every society people should maintain. If the persons like to show their grateful attitude towards each other, the society would be able to overcome poverty, crisis and any kind of challenges. Summary of the idea This particular study is endowed with the concept of critical social work. As per the concept of critical social work, current system of society entertains inequality and power division. Society is divided into two categories including people of higher-class society and the people of lower class society. Higher-class society likes to get every advantage from the society by implementing their power and strength. On the other hand, backward people do not get equal priority and response due to their limited power. This kind of discrimination should be strictly avoided within the society. In order to survive within the society, people should follow a social structure to maintain a balance between the haves and haves not. Social structure is consisted with three factors primarily that includes political, economical and historical. People should make an effective relation between government and society. They should follow government plans and policies strictly in order to maintain a suita ble political environment within the society. Economy should be balanced in between the poor and the rich. People from the higher society should always stand behind the lower class people. As a result, the people of different background would be able to lead a successful life. Theories and philosophies In this particular article, the concept of post structuralism theory has been discussed in detail. This particular theory likes to entertain various understandings. Different cultures, religions, the standpoints of various individuals would be entertained within the society. As per human rights, people have every opportunity to lead their life as per their wish. Individuals can express their standpoints at any time. Cultural and religious biasness should never be entertained within the society. The main purpose of constructing post structuralism theory is to make a balance between the haves and have not. Beyond going any kind of cultural and religious boundary, people should maintain unity within the community. Critical reflection This particular article is primarily concerned with the effectiveness of society and the essence of social work. The difference between the equality and equity has been clarified in detail. The importance of human right for maintaining the discipline within the society is one of the major concerns of the authors. This particular article is primarily concerned to discuss on the importance of society and social people. Various aspects of social work have also mentioned in this article. Unfortunately, the authors did not intend to point out the impact of social issues on the people. Poverty has been considered as one of the major issues. The effectiveness of poverty on the society and various ways of overcoming these kinds of social issue has not been pointed out in detail. Therefore, the author could have been more conscious about the impacts of social issues on the people. In addition, the author should mention various positive and negative aspects of following human rights within the society. However, the concept of transformative learning and the socialization has been explained in detail. Reference List: Morley, C., Macfarlane, S., Ablett, P. (2014). Engaging with social work: A critical introduction. Cambridge University Press.